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Ancient Indian Sciences- The Vimana

Pic Courtesy- Ancient Indian UFO

The Vimana in Ancient India had great significance. It signifies the flying object and also the temple tower or gopura.

But the most common usage is that of the flying object much like the modern Airplane. There was the Vimana Shastra that was revealed that describes in detail about a flying object and the technology involved. Now the authenticity of a flying object in Indian Culture is a hotly contested subject in modern scientific fraternity. But one should not miss the fact that there lies a large similarity between the description of flying machines which carry "gods from stars" as described in many cultures from India to Egypt to the Maya, cultures that are separated by thousands of kilometers. How is that each civilization has their own description of a flying object. The most logical explanation is given by the Ancient Alien theorists who say that earth was visited by Aliens from another planets for millennium. The construction of huge structures including the Pyramids of Egypt that is geometrically precise or The Nasca lines of ancient Peru or the magnificent constructions of the Ancient Maya including the magnificent city of Palenque or the Pyramids of Tikal are the case in point. How is that ancient civilizations that did not have advanced construction technologies could construct such magnificent buildings. ancient theories contend that they had help from Aliens or advanced civilizations of other worldly origin. This theory even though dismissed by main stream scientists still has many takers with in the common man. Now the truth is hidden in the vast expanses of time and will only be revealed when the right time come. The question as to what happened to the long lost science and will we be able to rediscover the same will be revealed in times to come.

We will need to wait for the same and let time reveal the truth.


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