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Devyani Khobragade incident- The United States should tender unconditional apology

Pic courtesy- The Financial Express The actions of the United States government in the arrest of Devyani Khobragade is nothing but  a national humiliation for India. The American government not only ignored the established international laws and norms of treatment of diplomats who enjoy immunity but out raging the modesty of a women who does not have previous criminal antecedents and treating her like a hardened criminal. This actions for any self respecting nation is unacceptable. The Govt of India took the right step in taking a tough line and making the American govt understand their wrong doings. Nothing but an unconditional apology from the American govt will be acceptable for us Indians. better America take corrective steps before the relations with India gets strained for ever. Let it be the last time that such a thing happens anywhere and act as a reminder to the erring officers that their will be consequences for their reckless actions Vante Mathram

Ancient Indian Sciences- The Vimana

Pic Courtesy- Ancient Indian UFO The Vimana in Ancient India had great significance. It signifies the flying object and also the temple tower or gopura. But the most common usage is that of the flying object much like the modern Airplane. There was the Vimana Shastra that was revealed that describes in detail about a flying object and the technology involved. Now the authenticity of a flying object in Indian Culture is a hotly contested subject in modern scientific fraternity. But one should not miss the fact that there lies a large similarity between the description of flying machines which carry "gods from stars" as described in many cultures from India to Egypt to the Maya, cultures that are separated by thousands of kilometers. How is that each civilization has their own description of a flying object. The most logical explanation is given by the Ancient Alien theorists who say that earth was visited by Aliens from another planets for millennium. The construc

2013 elections- The lessons that politicians must learn

"A democracy is for the people, by the people and of the people" Democracy is refered to as the best form of government in the world, a product of modern liberal thinking that has refined it from the days of ancient Greece (particularly Athens). It is s system wherein the people participate, electing their own government who return to them for re-election after a fixed time. But like any other system, democracy is also prone to decay and exploitation. The theoretical  meaning of democracy is soon eroded with crooked politicians who take the common / citizen for a ride with many promises and after that he seldom cares about those who helped him come to power. Those are the times when anarchy sett in and there is a virtual change of government by the masses by exercising their ballot. India is one of the largest and most functional democracy on the face of the earth. With power going all the way to the grass root level, each elections see active participation my